Uiss aprs. 825 Mhz simplex FM since September 2007 – hopefully it will be permanent – ISS digipeater callsign: ARISS ISS beacon message: RS0ISS-4>CQ,SGATE: Status as of March 13, 2024. 2/. First by the integration of maps and other data displays This UISS module allows you to visually locate a station heard by UISS (or the AGW-Packet Engine) on a map. 390 (assuming USA) Long-press F key and go to APRS, then set your callsign in #23 CALLSIGN (APRS). In order to appear on this page, a position report in a valid APRS format must be digipeated through ISS, then be heard by an internet gateway station, which then forwards it on to the APRS Internet System. Although not all that intuitive, at least the same setup applies to operating packet on both the ISS and PSAT. LOGGING ON TO THE APRS-IS: Although anyone can logon to the APRS- IS to monitor packets using an unverified logon, only stations that have a validation number to match their Ham Radio callsign are allowed to inject packets. Information that can be plotted includes fixed and mobile amateur station position reports; telemetry from balloons, aircraft, automated weather stations; DX spots and so on. 0. All it takes to run APRS is a PC-compatible Feb 24, 2023 · Using the Icom IC-9700 and wfview, I recorded and decoded (offline) APRS packets from the ISS. Set-up and Operation Proper radio setup is essential for packet. The crew will be periodically shutting down the radio and swapping cables so ARISS can troubleshoot the radio system and the cabling. 25 packets and APRS. Oct 1, 2019 · With UISS, we can make a log for how many callsigns are . Oct 28, 2023 · ISS APRS on 145. APRS is a real-time tactical digital communications protocol for exchanging information between a large number of stations covering a large (local) area. Powering off for Soyuz undocking on April 02. APRS: Decode APRS data, and plot APRS locations and moving APRS enabled vehicles on a map with speed plot. packet program designed to communicate with ISS via APRS - km4ack/Pi-APRS. 28 de Marzo de 2020 18:08 - 18:28 UTC. Although these are the same stations listing to 145. En la web aprs. Rev 1. Soundmodem decodes many more packets than my radio does. 35W for PSAT). Aprx: UNIXes, Linux, BSD, Sunos: APRS IGate and digipeater supports Linux AX. Setting up PTT and the proper audio levels was straightforward. So first thing you will need is a validation number. zip from Soundmodem webpage. Here are those common defaults: Teaching Swedish to People of All Ages for Academia, Business, Travel & Fun! Since the founding year of 1963 we have received well over 10. That is very helpful to spot it and to point the antenna in the right direction. 825 MHz Feb 8, 2016 · its actually quite easy to run APRS thru the ISS. The ISS has an onboard APRS Digipeater that anyone with a licence can use to send packe Finally got around to making this video, and it was really fun to do. UISS-SatGate TNC UISS-SatGate with TNC 8. io Actually I don't know a better place to ask this one. The IC-9100 has built-in soundcard interfaces, so it can work with UISS. gg game boosting services is a unique and innovative initiative that aims to combine the benefits of both systems. Canada and the Americas, except USA: Radio Amateurs of Canada. Soundmodem #3 UISS using Soundmodem_1k2 (PC Interface) 11. 15490 OO:uu:uv:v Onboard the ISS, is an APRS repeater under the alias of ‘ARISS’ that responds to APRS packets directed into the 145. Columbus Module radio: IORS (Kenwood D710GA) – STATUS - Configured. 25 and serial Information: Stations currently moving · User guide · FAQ · Blog · Discussion group · Linking to aprs. 0 – 21may2020 Instalasi UISS – Suryono Adisoemarta YD0NXX Penutup APRS adalah jenis komunikasi yang bisa dilakukan melalui satelit, termasuk IO-86 Instalasi UISS dengan menggunakan direwolf tidak sulit Station kita juga akan menjadi satellite gateway yang bisa membantu menerima pesan-pesan / data telemetri Kalau sudah berhasil RX dengan baik/konsisten, bisa join bimtek berikutnya UISS-SatGate 1. When you select the Mobilinkd, the system will ask you for a password. 825 MHz; UHF Packet Uplink and Downlink: 437. Your call sign — Press the VHF APRS Propagation Map - VHF – Based on realtime APRS reports. Feb 28, 2019 · Today on HamRadioComms I show how to send APRS packets to the International Space Station (ISS) using the Kenwood TM-D710 D700 and the same settings would wo Message APRS pour ISS : c'est un message envoyé à l'indicatif ISS, précisez votre position en indiquant les deux lettre et chiffre du QRA locator, par exemple : CQ de <votre prénom> via ISS en JN18 ou 73 from Paris JN18 via ISS. 825 MHz APRS frequency. 3. UISS (gratuito) Programa de packet facil de usar Para la Estacion Espacial - ISS y valido tambien para el PCSAT. You can see Jul 8, 2020 · This video demonstrates how to configure the Kenwood TH-D72 to transmit and receive APRS packets via the International Space Station using an Arrow II Yagi A Jun 9, 2017 · Presumably you're using the ISS VHF APRS frequency 145. Launched on April 1st 0357z 2019 attached to the upper stage of the PSLV C45 mission. The direct USB interface was used on a Windows laptop for APRS. I ran a simple test of recording outbound APRS packets with an SDR, then playing it back into Soundmodem where I should see the decoded packet. Can also be used for normal packet communication and/or APRS. APRSISCE/32: Windows Mobile, CE Windows 32 and 64 bit: GUI client for Windows Mobile and Windows 32 & 64 bit OSes: APRS/CE: WindowsCE: GUI client for Windows CE: APRSPoint: Windows (32 bit) GUI client. ariss. Enjoy! 73, de KM4ACK. 825 as the ISS, the ISS station is 14 dB stronger (10W versus 0. It is very convenient to beable to recognize these typical applications at a glance. 825 MHz downlink originated from the ARISS Ericsson two-meter HT. Frequenz: 145. Kenwood TM-D700, etc. It can also be used as a virtual TNC for other applications such as APRSIS32, UI-View32, Xastir, APRS-TW, YAAC, UISS, Linux AX25, SARTrack, Winlink Express (formerly known as RMS Express, formerly known as Winlink 2000 or . fi Preferences. Original STS-78 packet radio mission: 1996 on the Space Shuttle. ISS and decode telemetry. ISS APRS Tracking Confirmation station near top of list click on link to see data (see next slide) AmateiWRadio Stations heard via ISS~ozilla Firefox y Bookmarks Tools Help ~//www. Also, most operators have multiple stations on the air, such as their HOME, CAR, BOAT, and HT. Kenwood radio, Yaesu radio, Icom transceiver, VHF Antenna, HAM Radio transmitter, receive radio signals from space. More details can be found on this page which talks about “ How to Contact ISS ” both through voice (different frequency This page documents Amateur Radio data digipeated by the International Space Station. 550 MHz. The Amateur Radio station aboard the International Space Station is known as the ARISS program – the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station. 825 MHz: Not heard since 16 Mar 2021. Simply put, it is an all-around good program for use with terrestrial APRS, as well as APRS/Packet for use with the ISS, NO-44/PCSAT, and NO-61/ANDE. The map shows activity from the past hour. UI-View also supports TNCs in KISS mode, AGWPE host mode and BPQ host mode. Unfortunately it seems pretty deaf. Suggest using -7 for station ID for FT5D. You are now ready to send APRS packets. While 39 stations reported trying APRS, only 10 APRS stations reported making a serious effort, trying every pass. Connect screen. This map shows real-time radio propagation from stations operated near 144 MHz. The HF page is running directly on the Win7-64 host. Soundmodem #1 Soundmodem + UISS setup 9. Jul 30, 2018 · Úselo como un mensajero APRS para enviar y recibir mensajes APRS. En España la frecuencia de transmisión es 144. All APRSIS data is archived on this machine. on-board the ISS Packet digipeating operations – 145. 800 MHz to look as if it is 3. Its clean uncluttered and powerful interface make digipeating through these satellites as easy as using ANY other soundcard-based digital package. Oct 27, 2016 · All I need is 9600bps GMSK on 2m FM. Let’s assume the satellite/iss didn’t respond after 10 seconds, then the heard packet which was originally sent by you and was delayed will now be igated. Apr 20, 2019 · We’ve also done a bit of APRS operation through the ISS using the IC-9700 and the UISS software. groups. . APRS-IS is maintained and operated by volunteer Amateur Radio operators to provide world-wide capabilities to the Amateur Radio APRS RF ISS Slow Scan Television (SSTV) Ham TV Transmissions. Unzip and copy the files to your UISS folder. For this video I recorded the audio from my Kenwood TH-D72a and later played it back to Soundmodem+UISS. Look for the Pi-APRS in the Pi's Menu. 825 and can send my position and it digipeats though ISS. Menu 800 = SD Card, Export, Config Data (FOR LATER IMPORT AND NORMAL OPERATION). Site Map. ENERO 2003. Preferences. 80 MHz (Receive ONLY) Voice Uplink: 144. The settings are saved in a cookie within your browser, so if you switch to another computer or another browser, you will have to tune the settings again. With my setup I can switch my APRS station from the usual 144. Most Commonly Used ISS Amateur Radio Frequencies Mode V APRS (Worldwide APRS Digipeater) Uplink 145. Channel Analyzer: Analyze signals in the frequency and time domains Aug 14, 2022 · El APRS es un protocolo de transmisión de paquetes AX25 vía radio. 4 watts of RF output power I think we could accomplish even better results with a 5 watt APRS handheld on the 23cm & 33cm ham bands with a pocket sized directional patch antenna similar to that which is in the SPOT device. 25 Satellite: Decode APRS messages from the ISS and NO-84 satellites, via the built in decoder and satellite tracker. Aprs. So only IGates with good weak signal Aug 2, 2006 · Amateur Radio on ISS switched to APRS frequency in 2007 and reliable ever since. It can be used stand-alone to observe APRS traffic, as a digipeater, APRStt gateway, or Internet Gateway (IGate). APRS is not just a vehicle tracking system. 8250 MHz FM 1200 BPS Downlink 145. Locate APRS Station on these sites: APRS. Jun 21, 2020 · 23. APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. FI K6IB Real Time Tracker ISS Heard Station. Amateurs from the ISS partner countries, in the USA, Russia, Japan, Europe and Canada, have set up the ARISS program to foster Packet Relay experiments on MIR in 1998 and 1999. Running the app will allow you to watch for incoming packets in the terminal window. The map above shows the ground stations that have IGated PSAT packets to the APRS-IS (internet system). 550 MHz Oct 18, 2013 · Considering the SPOT GPS Tracker reliably operates on 1,600mhz and only 0. Designed for easy packet radio communication with ISS, PCSat or other 'compatible' (APRS) satellites Easy to send UI-frames (unproto), send location in APRS format (GPS) Receive and send APRS messages (APRS messenger) etc. 00930 l-123. Message APRS pour dire à un om que nous l'avons reçu : 73 from Paris JN18. The ISS has an onboard APRS Jul 22, 2019 · It uses the compass and tilt sensor to show you the exact position of the ISS during a pass. The cooperation between APRS and AskBoosters. More about that later. Station statistics for ISS (AOS01:11 mEl54 Az305 Lat47N Long30W Rg1982Km @IM58 Mode:APRS) t Station info - map view · info · telemetry · weather · raw · status · beacons · messages · bulletins · browse · moving · my account It can be used stand-alone to observe APRS traffic, as a tracker, digipeater, APRStt gateway, or Internet Gateway (IGate). Compatible with almost any locator system used in APRS and GPS including Mic-E compressed and UI-View compressed locators. 0e basic steps for setting up satellite packet/APRS on the Kenwood HTs might look something like this: 1. Menu 999 = Config, System, Full Reset. ASTARS is an Amateur Radio Mobile Tracking and Communications System for Reporting position, status, and messages to and from Handhelds and Mobiles in distant locations via Amateur Satellites using off-the-shelf amateur equipment. Approximately Correcting for Doppler shifts during ISS Passes; Compensating for Doppler Shift When Contacting the ISS; APRS Tracking; IORS Packet Radio beacon; Working the ISS using APRS packet radio; Break-down of APRS digipeats Jan 4, 2019 · APRS ISS FREQUENCY 145. Satellite Packet Communications: Many of the amateur radio satellites in orbit contain computer systems that provide packet capability. 9Z4DZ-1 font. From the plot below, demodulator output and the Clock Synchronizer output shows that the generated AFSK signal has both correct tone and correct baudrate. The packet is received and responded to by aliases such as RS0ISS, NA1SS, and so on. Age (dd:hh:mm:ss) D l• rss I * 148. This is a section of the Aprs. (Voice Repeater) and APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System). 8250 MHz FM 1200 BPS Mode U APRS (Worldwide APRS Digipeater) Uplink 437. 800 MHz down). Download and install UISS. Download the CAT dll file v 1. Download the file ptt-dll. This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). This time frame is enough for the satellite or iss to send back the digipeated packet which you want to igate. 13436 Lakota Road. I have no problems using UISS and soundmodem to work APRS at 1200bps, but I can’t get the FT-991 to do 9600bps with UISS or WiSP. ARISS description page; User communication packets. I'm using the digital mode on the 9100, and if I manually hit They are served by the UI-Webserver component of five of those copies of UI-View32 The VHF, ISS "Satgate", Special Event and 60-meter instances are running in 4 separate VMware virtual machines using micro-Server2003. By using APRS, AskBoosters can provide its customers with more accurate and timely information about their game progress, such as their current location, rank, stats, and achievements. First by the integration of maps and other data displays Mar 12, 2014 · It will continue to do this until you finish pairing the TNC to your device. Usually I am u. A stable and adjustable sound card that can communicate (interface) between the computer and radio. ISS-PBBS ISS-PBBS using UISS, MixW 13. 800 Mhz a una velocidad de 1200 bps y modulación AFSK. As a multi-user data network, it is quite different from conventional packet radio. It’s a program that converts the audio tones sent/received into AX. 825Mhz (2m). 2012. This Doppler shift will cause the ISS transmit frequency of 145. Teaching Swedish to People of All Ages for Academia, Business, Travel & Fun! Since the founding year of 1963 we have received well over 10. APRS-IS is maintained and operated by volunteer Amateur Radio operators to provide world-wide capabilities to the Amateur Radio Mar 19, 2021 · Soundmodem and UISS will be the first programs you will use with the interface box you built in class. During the 10 minute pass the frequency will move lower shifting a total of 7 kHz down to 145. Failure in 2021 has digi non-operational at this time. 4900 MHz FM This is part 1 of 2 videos on how to setup and use the Kenwood TH-D74 to make an APRS contact. org and ariss. 5W and an arrow used to be more than enough. Aunque este software está diseñado para correr en Microsoft Windows, se puede emular en Linux con Wine, según mostramos en este artículo donde se instaló en una computadora con sistema operativo Linux Ubuntu 16. 25 data that can be understood by UISS. To use SoundModem requires a few simple setup steps. 10 (with v1. Since there are 20,000 APRS users on the air, the APRS maps and data can get very cluttered. Mar 28, 2020 · Envío de paquetes de ARPS vía Digi de la Estación Espacial Internacional. io Subject: Re: [UISS] What are Proper 'To' and 'Via' Settings For ISS? Chuck and Bill i see you say that you use ARISS and it works i have tried RS0ISS and ARISS and they do not work and i hear that many people can not work the ISS APRS and will not digipeat. 2 days ago · This page documents Amateur Radio data digipeated by the International Space Station. Many astro-nauts and cosmonauts have amateur radio licenses. Now you know that the digipeater is and and running and that the ISS will be in range, soon. A total of 65 APRS packets were received here in Maryland. By NR4U Bob AFMARS · 3/05/22. belgacom. Antennas for APRS Satellite IGates Bob Bruninga, WB4APR lastname@usna. When you first startup UISS, it defaults to using SoundModem and starting it GRC Flowgraph : APRS_AFSK_Demod_Clock_Sync. aprs. We give you fast map updates and nice looking APRS symbols! This website is based on the APRS Track Direct tools. APRS-IS logging application. ” “Mobilinkd TNC1” should come up on the list. Mar 19, 2018 · UISS is a multi-functional FreeWare packet program designed for AX25 satellite communication, like ISS, PCSat etc. UISS is Windows packet program designed for satellite communication, like ISS, PCSat and other compatible satellietes etc Can also be used for "normal" packet. fi podemos ver en tiempo real los paquetes The primary source of data is an amateur radio system called APRS, some weather data comes from an internet based system called the Citizen Weather Observer Program. I use UISS and P-E-Pro (AGWPE) to both work people off ISS as well as to work a couple of friends on 2m. USA: Bruce Hunter, W6WW. 000 students and professionals from across the globe. Go to your Bluetooth menu and select “Search for Devices. UISS software. It uses data gathered by Automatic Packet Reporting System-Internet Service (APRS-IS) from packet stations in the amateur radio service. Email. So I began working on APRS using AGW Packet Engine with UISS by ON6MU. And decoding isn’t working well either. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a About this site. For us as amateur radio operators it is a brilliant tool for instant information and quite possibly your means of communication when out Apr 13, 2018 · What this SATGATE 10 does is, it will delay the heard packet for 10 seconds. PinPoint APRS is a free software application that (together with some radio equipment and accessories) allows you to visually track people and assets using Amateur Radio ('Ham Radio') equipment using maps. The packets are sent over FM using 1200 baud AFSK. Just import i Tune B-band on radio to 144. grc Test result. 49 MHz for ITU Regions 2 & 3 - Americas, Southern Asia and Pacific; Voice Uplink: 145. 04. You need to be on 145. HamTV Experiment on-board ISS; HamTV Ground segment; DOPPLER. 20 MHz for ITU Region 1 - EU, Northern Asia, Africa; Packet/APRS: VHF Packet Uplink and Downlink: 145. once you start hearing packets, push the BEACON TX button to manually send a beacon, if you make it you will be digi'd just Mar 2, 2021 · Over the next couple of days, ARISS will be performing a series of tests using our APRS capability through the standard 145. May 29, 2016 · By the way, the highly successful APRS system uses UI packets to send position and other data. 8035, when ISS is approaching your location. APRS Messenger. UISS comes with a Software Packet TNC (UZ7HO’s SoundModem) that works with any soundcard to do all the AX. fi · Technical details · API · Change log · Planned changes · Credits and thanks · Terms Of Service · iPhone/iPad APRS. To: UISS@ON6MU. Here is a link to the Default Configuration File. 1/. 390 national APRS frequency to 145. Rudy Lopez CX2PI ha hecho un buen trabajo poniendo a vuestra disposicion el manual del UISS en nuestro idiomapodeis conseguirlo en: UISS manual (por CX2PI) archivo txt. 3 days ago · This page documents Amateur Radio data digipeated by the International Space Station. the data is constantly updated (about 20 new reports come in every second), and is accessed Nov 17, 2019 · UI-View is an APRS client that runs on Windows. 5 kHz higher in frequency, 145. The Ericsson UHF HT is using the ARISS 70cm frequency of 437. Until recently, packet radio activity from the ISS on the 145. 11 released 8/26/2020 but not seeming worth the installation time). net. The conventional SAREX robot recorded over 1300 successful packet contacts for 561 different stations with 146 successful two-way contacts. What is considered a full and proper QSO 5. Think of it as a two way communications system between all items (vehicles, handhelds, boats, base stations) within your local area, and also further afield. edu. I've managed to configure my station to decode packets and I can even send them, but I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how trigger the IC9100 to transmit. APRS works by transmitting digital Jun 2, 2004 · APRS SSID Guideand Update from 6. Apr 20, 1997 · APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System) is a packet radio system for displaying and sharing information using map displays. Set #4 APRS MODEM to 1200bps. com's. ISS Station Operation ISS universal callsign alias: ARISS – Other callsigns: NA1ISS, RS0ISS, DP0ISS, etc. Mar 16, 2021 · This is a very fast guide to set up the IC-705 with UISS for sending AX. During installation, install the Soundmodem software TNC. ON March 21 about 18:25 UTC. 0 How to SatGate using UISS only 7. 4th January 2019 Daniele Missaglia APRS. 825. Their motives and backgrounds may vary, but they share the same goal: to study Swedish. The 32 bit version of UI-View also supports WA8DED/TF host mode, and the variant of it used in the SCS To sum up UISS in a few sentences isn't quite fair. OFF March 20 about 18:45 UTC. APRS is a digital communication system used by amateur radio operators to send packets of data via radio waves to exchange messages and information over short distances. Something is wrong with the new radio that they just reactivated. All instances are connected to APRS Internet servers using filter ports set Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on how this specific website is configured). net/hamradio/uiss. Link para descargar el software aquí. When this 2-meter radio failed, it was replaced with an identical Ericcson 70cm HT operating on 437. 3) Configure your radio. 2 Meter and 70 cm Band Uplink and Downlink. Powering off for Soyuz docking on March 21. This page documents Amateur Radio data digipeated by the International Space Station. mail. This application differs from most APRS software in that it isn't designed just to be used with TNCs in terminal mode. ARISS is unsure of the exact swap times as it will be dependent APRS. Apple Valley CA 92308. In my experience, indoors attenuates APRS too much, so go outside. ARISS USA QSL Manager. The combination of MacDoppler controlling the VFO in the radio and the PC doing the APRS packet processing worked well. Next, go to settings in Android and turn on Bluetooth. Die Raumstation ISS ermöglicht Amateurfunkbetrieb im Bereich von 144-146MHz und in diesem Rahmen seit 2010 speziell APRS-Betrieb über einen an Bord befindlichen Digipeater. 5500 MHz FM 1200 BPS Mode V/V Crew Contact (Regions 2 & 3 ) Uplink 144. Subscribe FREE to AmateurRadio. It was initially developed by Bob Bruninga, WB4APR (SK), in the 1990s, and has since become extensively used among amateur radio operators. -. 21 that includes IC-705 setting and From: Dennis Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 7:21 AM To: UISS@ON6MU. APRS is different from regular packet in four ways. 7965 as the ISS goes out of range. According to this PDF, if you want to send APRS data via the ISS, you format your UNPROTO packet with the data you want to Dire Wolf is a software "soundcard" modem/TNC and APRS encoder/decoder. Uses MapPoint for maps. 39 MHz, so WIDE2-2 packets shouldn't be unnecessarily digipeated, but WIDE2-2 would be incorrect. Disponible manual en español/castellano. example packet listing using. fi to your liking. This is 1234. I am using TH-D74A firmware v1. The APRS is a method of transmitting messages, status and positions ISS Packet Digipeater on 437. 550 MHz After the failure of the Ericsson VHF HT used with the ARISS packet system in the European Columbus module in October 2016, the UHF twin of the failed radio was put into service. India's AISAT-1 on 145. Some features of UISS: Easy to use. 25 packet modulation/demodulation. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF pages, psat. There are 9 maps included of all contintents and more. Signalink USB, for example, is a unit that connects audio modulation to and from from the software and radio, plus provides PTT. I actually contacted the same station I contacted in this video, W8LR, three days before, but I wasn’t recording any video. UZ7HO’s SoundModem program is automatically installed when you install UISS. In this mode, the uplink and downlink frequencies are the same. With the move to 70cm, this Thus, a simple SATGATE was born, ALOGGER 2. Soundmodem #4 APRS using Soundmodem_9k6 (FCD + SDR#) 12. Dec 30, 2016 · This was my second contact through the ISS digipeater. It can also be used as a virtual TNC for other applications such as APRSIS32, Xastir, APRS-TW, YAAC, PinPoint APRS, UI-View32,UISS, Linux AX25, SARTrack, Winlink Express (formerly known as RMS Express, formerly known as Winlink 2000 or WL2K), BPQ32, Outpost PM, Ham Radio of Things, Packet Compressed Sensing Imaging (PCSI), and many others. Mar 17, 2024 · This page documents Amateur Radio data digipeated by the International Space Station. Default m ode is for cross band repeater (145. A computer of average processing speed running Windows or Linux. fi user guide. UISS: http://users. 825 MHz rather than the North American terrestrial APRS frequency 144. Se pueden enviar datos de posición GPS, estado de una estación meteorológica, o repetidores de radioaficionados. g) Station List Click here to see times in absolute UTC lean !Messages ltat Ion (. 825 MHz (simplex) Erforderliche Einstellungen: PacketPath auf "APRS via ARISS" oder "CQ via RS0ISS" einrichten Empfangsfrequenz auf 145. Now it’s very hard. 990 MHz up {PL 67} & 437. fi · AIS sites · Service status · Database statistics · Advertising on aprs. Mar 18, 2024 · Currently used Frequencies by the ISS: Voice & SSTV Downlink: 145. 825 as stated above, have your location set in your APRS menu to GPS, and change your path from WIDE1-1 etc to ARISS, and make sure your APRS mute is turned off so you can hear the station itself. The preferences pop-up dialog allows you to customize aprs. Message APRS pour confirmer May 30, 2016 · Setup UZ7HO’s SoundModem. APRS-IS ( A utomatic P acket R eporting S ystem -I nternet S ervice) is the common name given to the Internet-based network which inter-connects various APRS radio networks throughout the world (and space). htm Unfortunately now isn’t the best time to get into ISS APRS. Subject: Re: [UISS] What are Proper 'To' and 'Via' Settings For ISS? Chuck and Bill i see you say that you use ARISS and it works i have tried RS0ISS and ARISS and they do not work and i hear that many people can not work the ISS APRS and will not digipeat. PinPoint is developed by Frank Watervoort - AB0WV. Hello UISS@ON6MU. io. 825 Mhz. The settings are organized in tabs. Pagers: Decode POCSAG pagers; APRS/AX. Email addresses listed below are provided for inquiries only, You must apply for QSL cards by paper mail. 5500 MHz FM 1200 BPS Downlink 437. Using the app. This large (58 GB) database is hosted on two servers using data replication techniques. 02. It can also be used as a virtual TNC for other applications such as APRSIS32, UI-View32, Xastir, APRS-TW, YAAC, UISS, Linux AX25, SARTrack, RMS Express, and man The reasoning behind most of the settings is given in Don's video. Soundmodem #2 Soundmodem + UI_View32 setup 10. Once the app opens, start the modems. mx cy dk tg yc lr ru gf nf bz