Zabbix preprocessing regex output. https://<prometheus host>/metrics. 4 to monitor old PSTN switch. If the regular expression is not matched then the dependent item becomes Sep 13, 2017 · So, I am trying to use the new preprocessing feature of new 3. Output, Header line Header line 2 Alarm xxxxxx11 Alarm xxxxxx22 Alarm Jun 9, 2022 · Define preprocessing steps and react on invalid metrics: Navigate to Configuration → Hosts and find your host. The cosine of a value, where the value is an angle expressed in radians. Excecute the item php-fpm_ping. So I think it's useful if you need to get only one matched group and replace the whole result with it. My preprocessing regex is working for 4294967295 (4. For example: log [/var/log/syslog,error]. May 11, 2021 · =is used for assignment but not for comparison. i have the following SNMP trap: Code: Hi, Is there any way to pre-process a return value on some dynamic way in item prototypes? So I've got a api query which return about disks and bunch of properties. If discovery uses another frequent item as a source (Item type = dependent item) - apply “Discard unchanged with heartbeat” preprocessing for such discovery. XML Word Printable. ping. Failure to match the input value will make the item unsupported. cos. discovery", so this key transform the output in a JSON array for LLD Macros, that's why my output is like this Mar 22, 2019 · Hi all ! I am trying to do some "partial" preprocessing on a numeric item. Redacting Sensitive Data with Preprocessing. \1 - \9 placeholders are supported to capture groups. Here are my preprocessing steps so far: Low-level discovery is considered a heavy operation in Zabbix, so its frequency should be low. dependent items using a Prometheus preprocessing option to query required data from the metrics gathered by the master item. I tried somes regex on the discovery rules but without results. A \0 escape sequence is replaced with the matched text. step 2) "Regular expression " "^NO LOGIN(. run item preprocessing [ZBX-17169] pgsql. My answer is that: 09:29:24 up 111 days, 10:04, 29 users, load average: 4. 14. Supported since 3. An \N (where N=19) escape sequence is replaced with the Nth matched group. Find the item for which the preprocessing steps will be defined. toLowerCase () to convert incoming values to lower case. +?). *) right field: \1 Second preprocessing step: (dropdown) 'simple change' <no parameters possible> It even seems to work just with the first preprocessing step. Now i setup preprocessing for it: Name: Admin cli command Type: Snmp trap Key: snmptrap[&quot;CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. NAME as an additional LLD macro called #HOSTNAME to each discovery record. The dependent item php-fpm. When the pattern ~$ or . It works well, and was very easy!!!! Thanks for the tip!!!!!! I'm not very fluent with Regular expressions, and I'm having a hard time understanding what to put in the pattern and output fields to change incoming text. cosh. length. If matches, then Team tag value is populated with "SysAdmin". An May 14, 2019 · In item’s preprocessing configuration add new step and select Custom scripts/JavaScript: The first line of the script is displayed in parameters (which currently has the placeholder “script”): Clicking on it will open a simple editor window: Currently, the editor is a simple multi-line editor using monospace fonts. The PCRE regex was checked for validity using "regexr. I found it easy to use the system. First preprocessing step: (dropdown):'regular expression' left field: (. The ITEM returns the following line: QMNAME (rsdcapjboss01) STATUS (Running) and in Preprocessing I want to use a regular expression to extract only the word that is inside the second parenthesis "Running". Go to: Data collection → Hosts. output - output formatting template. The hyperbolic cosine of a value. \d+)\sms" match for value of type "string": pattern does not match. Since for loop starts perfectly but when it goes to if condition, first of all you're not checking for equality instead you are assigining to json[i]. Not ideal but will work for your lines - and if there are two lines and you need two addresses in the output: Good Morning I need a help in getting an IP address from a string. 14 Preprocessing by Javascript details. In the discovery rule of the template the SNMP OID is : discovery [ {#SNMPVALUE},IF-MIB::ifDescr] and it generate a json structured string : [ {" {# [ZBX-17169] pgsql. 0. Mar 3, 2022 · Regex to extract multiple pieces across multiple lines. It only has telnet login. == or === for comparison. pattern - the regular expression to match output - the output options. On the subject of server performance though, I don't know what your restrictions are but you may be overestimating the performance overhead of just using SNMP Low Level Discovery and auto-creating items for each of these SNMP indexes. Click on Discovery in the row of an appropriate template/host. Click on Create item in the upper right corner of the screen. The total length of header fields that can be added to a single HttpRequest object is limited to 128 Kbytes (special characters and header names included). *". Zabbix is Open Source and comes at no cost. LASTVALUE} Low-level discovery macros (except in low-level discovery rule filter) regsub (pattern,output) ZABBIX BUGS AND ISSUES; ZBX-17169; pgsql. I need help with preprocessing an ITEM in zabbix. An Oct 18, 2018 · I'm not able to find any clue in the documentation how can I return multiple line hits from a preprocessing regex? I want to monitor some network stats which has no snmp representative, and as I'm farly new to zabbix I'm not sure how to solve this. Consider always starting at 1 per hour. An A Regular expression (regex) field will be added, which we are going to fill to match the total number of bytes for your interface. Jul 23, 2019 · The value seems to be too large in this case. Fill in the following: Fill in the following: Figure 2. I've got TWO preprocessing steps, and can confirm it's working now. I need to do some preprocessing on data collected. Round the value up to the nearest greater or equal integer. The text ist Service Local Status Time in State Distributed Node Status leaderl running (pid 6889) 67d 1h 46m 47s leader: 11; waiting: 0; follower: 2; total: 3 epmd running (pid 6892) 67d 1h 46m 47s status: local-only etcd running (pid 6895) 67d 1h 46m 47s health: Nov 11, 2019 · It is the process introduced in Zabbix 3. It turned out that I needed a fairly complex Jan 21, 2022 · Like the first one with "509" result, the second one with "577" etc as I showed in my regex example above And yes, these items were generated by a master item type "database monitor" and with the key "db. You can also use such preprocessing for other Zabbix is the ultimate enterprise-level software designed for real-time monitoring of millions of metrics collected from tens of thousands of servers, virtual machines and network devices. I tried different ways but it only accepts the following regex Starting with Zabbix 4. 41. 4 brought a feature called Item Preprocessing. concat. name which is the first element/object of json arrray to whatever ~"{HOST. return (value - 32) * 5 / 9. version. Jun 30, 2021 · I have made it with a javascript preprocessing rule. The preprocessing step result is the value returned from this function, for example, to perform Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion user must enter. count [] or logrt. XML Jul 4, 2018 · This just returns an empty string (or nothing), so Zabbix can't parse it and the Item won't work (Error: Not supported) Anyone knows if there's a way to get this working right, or if i'm doing something wrong? pattern - regular expression output - output formatting template. The separating dot before bracket segment is optional A preprocessing task is created and added to the queue and preprocessing workers are notified about the new task. Parameters: pattern - regular expression output - output formatting template. *?)"" match for value of type "string": pattern does not match" It seems that the preprocessing is working, because it's returning the correct value (in this case, 6) The itens are configured with the type "text". Code: A\s(\d. My problem is we have a web site hosted behind a forigate load balancer. I am working on making basic Zabbix items for Wazuh. The length of value in characters. Here is working regex substitution ZABBIX FEATURE REQUESTS; ZBXNEXT-4724; Advanced preprocessing: validation and throttling rules, discarding values and setting errors Regular expression: Match the value to the <pattern> regular expression and replace value with <output>. 4 here. odbc. 53 – Zabbix agent system. Aug 24, 2021 · Also: Regular expression. Return the leftmost characters of the value. I have a problem with item's data and preprocessing regex. 4 Zabbix can query metrics exposed in the Prometheus line format. So total trigger name: "AP Connection Lost: Tielt-Jeugd 03 - Jeugd3 1eV grote zaal - 172. You could then use a Zabbix Aggregate item to sum them, and then graph the aggregate. *) with \1 and have also tried ^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$ the test returns 156 which is correct I also use a custom multiplier 0. The separating dot before bracket segment is optional No Regex needed probably. ping returns 0 even if the reply is correct ( pong ). ?)" Mar 13, 2023 · I'd like to use the item preprocessing to capture a certain string from a eventlog. Description. time - preprocessing regex does not match for localized psql output Jul 23, 2019 · preproccessing using regex. Once I have the 0 or other number, I will use preprocessing to change it to "Camera is up" or "Camera is down" as needed. The initial interface name (got from IF-MIB::ifDescr) is to long and have some useless information in the Apr 5, 2018 · Item Preprocessing to the rescue! Zabbix 3. Click on Create discovery rule in the upper right corner of the screen. Processing of XML documents were never as easy as now. Mar 27, 2023 · In preprocessing: step 1) "Matches regular expression " compare with "^NO LOGIN. Aug 24, 2019 · I used this regex R. 1&quot;] Type: Log Preprocessing rules: Name: Regular exp マッチンググループと出力制御を使用できる別の方法は、. Make sure that the file has read permissions for the 'zabbix' user otherwise the item status will be set to 'unsupported'. dir. Match: (\d+) OK: (\d+) BGP prefixes defined set output to \2 and change data type to integer. At this point the data flow stops until there is at least one unoccupied (i. Or locale forced to English in userparameters configuration. Insert specified characters or spaces into the character string beginning at the specified position in the string. Enter parameters of the item in the form. In fact I'm talking about a SNMP discovery in a template rule in order to create item prototype. By partial i meen that i want to replace one value and maintain all possible others. I would now like to strip off every thing except the address. 24. It's something wrong with regex? Regular expression: Match the value to the <pattern> regular expression and replace value with <output>. 2 entered requests return formatted multistring xml (text) with few garbage strings (echo of entered commands). VALUE} {ITEM. Nov 10, 2022 · Each subexpressions and the total combined result can be tested in Zabbix frontend ; Zabbix uses AND logic if several subexpressions are defined ; Global regular expressions can be referenced by referring to their name, prefixed with the @ symbol ; Zabbix documentation contains the list of locations supporting the usage of global regular Method. I can get the DATA to 1 conversion using Regular expression pattern DATA and output 1,then Hexa to Numeric conversion, but I do not understand how to get the 0 value when the regular expression result is false. output: \1 Last edited by Zabbix 1600px Default Both zabbix-server and zabbix-proxy are at version 4. Preprocessing. The preprocessing manager passes the values and stores them in the first-in-first-out queue. 4. com" with "PCRE" mode (server-side). LLD rule defines an override that compares #HOSTNAME against regex. By Dmitry Lambert November 5, 2019. I am trying to figure out the regex I could use to match, but the fact that its multiline is really stumping me. Javascript preprocessing is done by invoking JavaScript function with a single parameter 'value' and user provided function body. It seems ok, it recieve data from SNP traps. Jan 12, 2024 · 12-01-2024, 06:13. One of these is, to apply regular expressions to the fetched value, in a “find and replace” kind of way. Nov 13, 2019 · I want to use Template SNMP Printer with Preprocessing steps on discovery and regex. 123. 178560 Temp at Sensor 1 in Box 1 is" I fiddled with the trim options too, and was happily able to delete the characters 2 and 9 from the end. Thanks for your reply. 1 zabbix version, with regular expression. *?)" Isso funciona (pelo menos no regex101) mas estou com um problema, meus itens ficam desabilitados porque o zabbix interpreta o {#Y} como LLD macro na saída, e isso não funciona, o retorno é algo do tipo: 509":"(. Nov 5, 2019 · Zabbix XPath Preprocessing. 7 (server + agent2) Apply PHP-FPM by Zabbix agent to host and follow configuration steps. Once the regex preprocessing is removed using GUI (and purged history data on proxy by recreating sqlite DB, just in case) - it starts working fine again. *A\s(\d. When a preprocessing worker is available it takes the next task from the queue. not executing any tasks) preprocessing worker. contents and I am trying to use regex to filter speciffic lines. How can I add this capture group to my trigger name? Example: . The Item in Zabbix is this right now: Test is successful: . I'd like to take multiple strings (from multiple varbinds) and use them in a single trigger name. Expected: Regex suitable for any locale. the output gives the list of current alarms in the system. cot. 151". The Powershell-command itself is quite simple: Powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy bypass -Command "Get-ScheduledTaskInfo -TaskName 'Zabbix-Agent - Deploy Data'". 2. 4, along with preprocessing workers that perform the preprocessing steps. An We will illustrate low-level discovery based on an example of file system discovery. I have setup and private-key ssh agent to my item. 4 (latest stable LTS). I'm trying change value in SNMP discovery macro, anyway failing on Zabbix regex replace preprocessing. Xpath preprocessing is available as a native functionality without any third party scripts or modules. addHeader (value) Adds HTTP header field. It seems to be a large value, so you can truncate it after the decimal point into an integer value and Mar 5, 2023 · I can use the regex to obtain just the part before the space to exclude the parameters in the name, but on discovery, the preprocessing seems to work on just one unique list with all the results, and not every single value/raw extracted via snmp. パターン ". HTH, Michael Substring extraction by a regular expression match (case insensitive). time - preprocessing regex does not match for localized psql output Created: 2020 Jan 11 Updated: 2020 Dec 30 Resolved: 2020 Dec 30 Status: Closed: Project: ZABBIX BUGS AND ISSUES: Component/s: Templates (T) Affects Version/s: 4. Once a value is stored in the queue, the manager checks if any preprocessing workers, which can be defined in the server config file, are free. 102. Watch the video now. ZABBIX BUGS AND ISSUES; ZBX-15711; zabbix-server crashes on preprocessing a valid PCRE regex. 4 Nov 7, 2020 · Dear community! I would be grateful if you could help me with my Discovery rule problem. To configure the discovery, do the following: Go to: Data collection → Templates or Hosts. The first group (\1) will contain the "nom du compte" value, and the second group (\2) will contain the "nom de l'ordinateur de l'appelant" value. The info in bold are the pieces I want to extract using item preprocessing with a regex - I have the regex's written and working in regex101. tmp exists in the collected event, then the event itself is not stored in the history of the item. Should result in a trigger name that contains: task updating application xyz. A value can be fetched, and before it gets stored it can be dissected or converted in several ways. This section provides details of supported JSONPath functionality in item value preprocessing steps. *logged in. But I thought I could do it whit regexp. Log In. Match the value to the <pattern> regular expression and replace value with <output>. so I used External check with "expect" script. get you might take the file name and then create discovery based on each file - but you will end up with tons of items in Zabbix - this doesn't scale very well . Hi, I have an equipament where is not possible install a Zabbix agent or SNMP-utils for SNMP monitoring I'm trying collect uptime info with an SSH connection and executing the command "uptime". ltrim. *" - filters all logging events in the event log "\bUser\s+\K\S+" - filter only lines with usernames from the event log. *", output: "\0" イベントログのすべてのログインイベントをフィルタリング Jul 1, 2022 · Doing preprocessing test on your JSON gives me the following result: Code: ["ovirt-csi-driver-node-dlhz4","kub-runner-1-runner-7c5c45d454-dvv6g"] Which i believe is what you want. 4 which defines the preprocessing pattern. file. Item value preprocessing allows to define and execute transformation rules for the received item values. The string resulting from concatenating the referenced item values or constant values. Apr 11, 2021 · Originally posted by cyber. However, in conjunction with other data being gathered you might be gathering usernames, tokens or varying types of personal data. Main item: telnet agent with 2 step-by-step commands. "Preprocessing "タブで "Regular expression "オプションを選択し、以下のようにパラメータを入力することです。. AIX: Host name of Zabbix agent running: Zabbix agent: agent. Regex: task\\s+&quot;([^&quot;]+)&quot; Feb 27, 2019 · preprocessing regex issue 27-02-2019, 11:12 I am pulling the contents of a file using vfs. The discovery scan on SNMP device and create items. 9999. with vfs . May 23, 2023 · I should not see the actual output of the command - not sure how this is finding its way through. ZABBIX FEATURE REQUESTS; ZBXNEXT-4724; Advanced preprocessing: validation and throttling rules, discarding values and setting errors Dec 18, 2019 · Preprocessing doubts. You can also create an item by opening an existing one, pressing the Clone button and then saving under a different name. The regular expression supports extraction of maximum 10 captured groups with the \N sequence. Numeric (float) can only handle values from -999999999999. example we want to collect ip address, ip subnet and default gateway. Both zabbix-server and zabbix-proxy are at version 4. Jan 21, 2022 · Por isso, cada item gerado contém um preprocessing com regex, para serem gerados já com o valor {#Y}. The item key is eventlog[Security,,,,4659,,skip] This is the Preprocessing configured on the item. clearHeader () Overview. An log [] or logrt []: These two item keys allow to monitor logs and filter log entries by the content regexp, if present. Please refer to regular expressions section for some existing examples. A segment can be either a simple word like a JSON value name, * or a more complex construct enclosed within square brackets [ ]. Zabbix is meant to store data for a long time, so it’s a good idea to vacuum and Jan 10, 2024 · Within PowerShell, you can do preprocessing and grab the necessary info you need more clearly. but the problem is the text item contain blank lines. I have set debug level in server without explanations on Aug 4, 2023 · Hi, i need some help with regex en regsub within zabbix. *)"- output the first group \1. The regular expressions demonstrate ZABBIX BUGS AND ISSUES; ZBX-15711; zabbix-server crashes on preprocessing a valid PCRE regex. Something like: Dec 23, 2022 · This regular expression will match the following text: "Compte verrouillé", followed by any number of lines, followed by the "nom du compte" and "nom de l'ordinateur de l'appelant" values. Type: May 15, 2023 · And there is no way for Zabbix to fail safely and still return some value (the Custom On Fail: discard value doesn't work as it doesn't give a value back, it just fails outright). Using the info from the event above I posted - here's how it looks when I test: When I put 1 regex like this I get the expected data back as DOMAIN\username: Overview. My aim is to create network interface items with a discovery rule (SNMP agent type) with a name got with come string transformation. I have regex to cut out the desired value from the line, but it each item required to have a the ID in the regex to know which device it Jul 30, 2021 · 30-07-2021, 18:01. It could be used in combination with nodata() for the availability check Aug 5, 2020 · I added SNMP Trap and can recieve data from it, now i need to parse it data, so i create item for it. A monitoring system gathers an awful lot of data, most of it innocuous in nature. An Zabbix agent: agent. it will save just that number. Click on the Items button. XML Feb 19, 2019 · Maybe it possible to use regular expressions to solve the problem but I wasn't successful in that activity. In the "Preprocessing" tab of the dependent item select the "Matches regular expression" validation option and fill pattern, for example: ". Export. Despite the fact that Zabbix uses regex without multiline mode on, you can still do multiline match. {ITEM. It concerns monitoring speed of network interfaces : via snmp 10Gb speed returns 4294967295. g. Configure a dependent item and set "preprocessing" to "regular expression" Input the following regular expression: 'node2(. Jan 11, 2020 · Result: Preprocessing failed for: 1. Steps to reproduce: Setup zabbix 5. 29Gbps Jan 29, 2020 · Source Network Address: 123. This field is used for all following requests until cleared with the clearHeader () method. All values (with or without preprocessing) from different data gatherers Jan 19, 2022 · Failed: cannot perform regular expression ""6":"(. run {wmic nicconfig get ipaddress} that returns a string that contains the ipaddress. so the regex exit on the first match. Preprocessing is managed by a preprocessing manager process, which has been added in Zabbix 3. I am new to regular expressions. *)"' Configure the output to be '\2' Result: As soon as data is received from a proxy by the server, it crashes (due to one of child processes crashing) Logs show: ZABBIX BUGS AND ISSUES; ZBX-15711; zabbix-server crashes on preprocessing a valid PCRE regex. 23-07-2019, 20:23. LLD rule has a Javascript pre-processing step that adds HOST. The cotangent of a value, where the value is an angle expressed in radians. e. log. On this template, we have a discovery rule for supplies. 15, 4. 12, 4. Jan 11, 2021 · The easiest (for me) would be to issue a Powershell command through a custom item and process the given output. insert. |)*?rollupStatus": "(. AIX: Zabbix agent ping: The agent always returns 1 for this item. * logged in . So I am trying to use regex to work on a lot of different strings and trim off the uneeded material. You can use some regex like this. 1 server. Zabbix user may specify optional "On fail" action for each rule, which will be executed if this rule fails: Discard value: preprocessing will stop immediately and Zabbix will ignore the value as it never existed; Return value + "<value>": Zabbix will set result of preprocessing to <value> and preprocessing will stop Sep 17, 2020 · giving me the output of "4837 2020-09-16 19:07:54. 18-12-2019, 14:36. hostname. 9999 to 999999999999. Failed: cannot perform regular expression "Time:\s(\d+\. count []: Sep 15, 2018 · I am testing zabbix 3. it should grab the whole file this way. ceil. Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1d. The issue is that Wazuh alerts are multi-line alerts and we need 2 pieces of information. \0 returns the matched text. Details. Regular expression: Match the value to the <pattern> regular expression and replace value with <output>. 4, when low-level discovery macros are used in JSONPath preprocessing and their values are resolved, the following rules of escaping special characters are applied: only backslash (\) and double quote (") characters are considered for escaping; if the resolved macro value contains these characters, each of them is Feb 22, 2024 · Instead of using RegEx i tried to use Preprocessing on the item which collects the Event ID 4659 log. Its not to replace Wazuh, but our techs live in Zabbix and this provides an alert in Zabbix so techs can know something and can go check to Wazuh. It produces the following output for 1 host: Apr 23, 2019 · I used the simple function return value. JSONPath consists of segments separated with dots. Write your xpath query and use it against your XML document to extract desired value. Dependent items: gets data from main item via xpath request Data: extract from main item - various types (text, numeric, etc) Feb 29, 2024 · Match the value to the <pattern> regular expression and replace value with <output>. You could add some preprocessing with regex to item, so it only saves that number, not the text. Dec 11, 2021 · Hello forum, I am trying to use a regex in preprocessing. Время: 0,204 мс 1. Since the value acquired as an item is larger than this range, it may not have been saved as the item's value. The cube root of a value. left. 1, I have tried Numeric unsigned and float to try and make it work Jul 27, 2023 · In this lecture, I add a pre-processing step to the item that instructs the agent to read the windows failed logon events. NAME}" returns which would be -1(see the below snippet). Click on Items in the row of the host. Open the item and click on the Preprocessing tab. For our example, we will use the Temperature item. Meu regex foi: {#Y}":"(. +?)$. Trigger Prototype has a Tag called Team with the empty string as default value. Check the option "Custom on fail " and output the value "OK". Two steps are required to start gathering Prometheus data: an HTTP master item pointing to the appropriate data endpoint, e. I'm on Zabbix 4. 2. I can't use too much of a fixed string either, as there multiple sensors in multiple boxes, and I'm trying to parse them out so I can create a pretty Jun 7, 2016 · Notes: working on Zabbix 5. mq bc ux fj em fs fb lm mr fh